Crystal Garden Wetlands
The City of Avondale Wetland project consists of a series of   treatment cells designed to treat the City’s Salt River Project (SRP) and Central Arizona Project (CAP) water allocations to aquifer water quality standards.  The project is surrounded by the Crystal Gardens residential development but is open to the public. 
​The project was designed to be an amenity to the community as well as a source of drinking water.  The 72 acres of treatment cells are separated into three flow systems, northwest (cells 2 to 5), northeast (cells 6 to 9) and south (cells 11 to 14).  Water flows into the Wetland via an SRP canal. The first stage is the sedimentary cells (cells 1 and 10), these unplanted cells are designed to allow solids and heavy material to settle out.  Water then flows by gravity through the planted treatment cells where the wetland ecosystem allows the nitrogen cycle to occur naturally.


Fishing Club

Crystal Gardens Wetlands