DO YOUR PART Do your part by modeling appropriate behavior, leaving the area better than you found it, properly disposing of waste, avoiding the spread of invasive species and restoring degraded areas. Pack out what you pack in and carry a trash bag to pick up litter left by others. Pack out any discarded fishing line. Monofilament line is especially dangerous to all wildlife. Use only artificial lures. Live bait has the potential to accidentally introduce exotics and cause more damage to fish when being released, as they often take live bait deeper. If you do use live bait, use only bait native to the area. If practicing catch and release, use barbless single hooks to make release easier. When practicing catch and release, keep fish in the water as much as possible, with air exposure under 30 seconds at a time and 60 seconds total. Handle them as little as possible with wet hands and release them gently into the water so they are sure to survive. Knotless or tubber mesh nets are much easier on fish and significantly increase post-release survival rates. When holding large fish for a photo, hold them horizontally, supporting their weight, not vertically which can cause fatal injuries, even if the fish swims away. Minimize fishing during spawning periods. Release smaller fish as they are forage for many residents of the ecosystem. Larger and older fish are often the best producers, collecting more contaminants and are less healthy to eat—also making them good choices for release. Observe proper sanitary waste disposal or pack your waste out. Prevent unnecessary noise created by a poorly tuned vehicle or motor or revving your engine without need.  Click here to take Boat U.S. Foundation’s free online boater education course. Please email for questions or comments about these tips.  ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... EDUCATE YOURSELF  Educate yourself prior to your trip by learning rules and regulations, planning for your trip, taking recreation skills classes and knowing how to operate your equipment safely. Obtain a map or chart of your destination and determine which areas are open to your type of travel and recreation. Make a realistic plan and stick to it. Always tell someone of your travel plans. Contact the land manager for area restrictions, closures and permit requirements. Check the weather forecast for your destination. Plan clothing, equipment and supplies accordingly. Know your local fishing laws and regulations. Many states have restrictions for certain waters, such as use of artificial flies and lures, single hook flies and lures, barbless or no live bait. Know bag limits and legal length/size of fish you intend to keep. Be prepared with alternative fishing locations if you arrive at an overcrowded area. Leave gates as you find them. If crossing private property, be sure to ask permission from the landowner(s). ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... AVOID SENSITIVE AREAS  Avoid sensitive areas on land such as meadows, lakeshores, wetlands and streams. Stay on designated routes. On water, avoid operating your watercraft in shallow waters or near shorelines. In the backcountry, be mindful of damaging fragile vegetation and soils along shorelines and stream banks. Choose access to fishing spots wisely. Other sensitive habitats to avoid are seasonal nesting or breeding areas. Do not disturb historical, archeological or paleontological sites. Avoid “spooking” livestock and wildlife you encounter and keep your distance. Motorized and mechanized vehicles are not allowed in designated Wilderness Areas.  


Fishing and Hiking Club