(602) 803-6338 Main

(702) 686-2747 Wendy

We can provide move-in and move-out assistance. We’ll have an onsite representative at major shows; we have exceptional rapport with exhibit hall service contractors. We can provide guidance and consulting on tradeshow intricacies. All of this means less stress for you!

Shipping with us, you can count on your materials getting to the event on schedule and in show-ready condition – direct to the show hall or advanced receiving. Whether that involves multiple pick-ups or deliveries, last minute expedited shipments or even international shipments. And STI is there at the close of the show to pick up your shipment, preventing it from being pushed.

Our real-time shipment status updates are available on your smartphone providing you accurate information as to the current location, including in the marshalling yard with the drayage check in number.

Contact us today to learn more about our cost-effective transport planning and top-quality delivery services for your next tradeshow or special event.

  • Show floor assistance
  • Rapport with exhibit hall contractors
  • Coordinate all aspects of your exhibit logistics
  • One call for last minute changes

On-Site Show Reps

that attend over 200 shows annually 

  • Target date - time-specific deliveries
  • Direct delivery - or - delivery to the advanced receiving warehouse
  • Multiple pickups and/or deliveries
  • Crated, pad-wrap or mixed commodity shipment capable 

Trade show and Event schedules can be very rigorous

They demand careful attention, not only to material delivery, but to on-site logistics and protocol as well.

We understand the business. We have been servicing tradeshows since 1967 and continue to make over 45,000 tradeshow shipments every year. Our dedicated exhibit fleet averages 17 years of experience and their record for delivery is 99% on-time and a claim rate of 0%*. We keep exceptional rapport with exhibit hall service contractors and are ready to provide guidance and consulting on tradeshow intricacies.

Trade show and event service