Your company has appointed a designated move team to manage communications for this relocation. 
The move team members and your Best Move representative will meet in advance to review the move requirements and outlin a success matrix that addresses the needs of all parties involved.

What Is Expected Of An Employee

Employee’s  must have all items in their personal work area packed and labeled prior to the movers’ arrival. 
your Move Team Leader will provide you with the proper labels for your department.
Also, be sure to check with your move coordinator before you label any furniture.
What Will Be Expected Of A Move Coordinator
Encourage your department to purge existing files, and storage areas. Ensure that labeling is completed per plan for packing of files, equipment, and other "common" resources. Who is the designated contact to assist in coordination on move day.  Coordinate packing of common areas.


Ensure all personnel receive moving instructions, labels, boxes, and other packing materials and that they attend a department move meeting. Ensure all personnel are properly packed by the appropriate deadline before the move.
Review all areas the day of the move to ensure everything is properly packed and labeled. 
Provide general information regarding the new site as necessary. Ensure all personal belongings go home with employees. Check all areas under your responsibility for proper packing and labeling.  

Move Day

It starts with a plan …We handle highly-specialized moves for small and large companies.  We move every type of office - financial institutions, high-tech companies, bio-tech, hospitals and manufacturing companies. 
We do it very well, on time, and on your budget.