INbound Logistics

Inbound Logistics - Could be greatest cost saving review in your supply chain. 

In many businesses, Suppliers, and others, too often route your raw materials and inventory to you. You are paying the cost - they have the control. Some of their decisions may cost you and affect you getting your product to the market on time.

Most companies concentrate on saving money on outbound shipping costs. We have experience with inbound solutions. Let's Talk.

We can help with the background for positive discussions with your suppliers to maybe uncover efficiencies that can lead to meaningful and sustained cost savings. There may be freight allowances that can be incorporated in sales terms. We work with vendor managed inventory programs that have been critical to production and produced quicker access to needed product and sometimes - excellent cost savings.

Our advanced technology can integrate with yours to provide advance notice of late shipments in time to change in your production schedules. Confirming supplier shipping compliance can be critical. Effective consolidations, including merge in transit, can positively affect transit times and cost. Load and mode optimization are key activities our team and review with yours. Our goal is real freight savings, increased transportation performance, and continuous improvement.