Freight classification.

The National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA) created a freight classification system for all types of commodities to standardize freight pricing. This freight classification, including definitions of classes, is cataloged with National Motor Freight Classification tariff, commonly referred to as the NMFC.

Shipping commodities are grouped into 18 freight classes between 50 and 500. Shippers and carriers use the NMFC freight classifications as a common standard when setting shipping rates.

What is freight class based on?

NMFC Freight classifications are based on four characteristics:

Density: The weight per cubic foot.
Freight Stowability: The length and width based on carrier mode rules.
Ease of Handling: Evaluation of the care involved in transporting.
Liability: This includes the freight price per pound, susceptibility to theft, liability to damage, breakability and perishability.

It is imperative to accurately determine the National Motor Freight Classification of the items being shipped to avoid costly adjustments.

If you have questions regarding freight classes, a Best Move representative can help. Simply call 602 744 7770 for assistance.

Freight Classification 

Tips on how to properly classify your freight. .

Notice :

We have recently seen an increase in shipments being hit with NMFTA item 680 and we feel it important that we should bring the specifics of this item to your attention.

Per NMFTA rules:
"When less than 65 percent of the surface area for the lift truck skid, pallet or platform is occupied, the gross weight of the lift truck skid, pallet or platform and the commodity unitized or secured thereon, will be subject to the class applicable to either the lift truck skid pallet or platform or the commodity, whichever is higher."

If the freight on the skid, does not cover at least 65% of the skids surface area, the freight will be classed as the skid itself.  Often this is a density based class, and will generally be 250-400.

Please make your customers aware that when they palletize, class and rate freight; to keep this rule in mind.